The ABC’s of Acoustics
- Absorption of sound by utilizing high NRC rated acoustic ceiling tiles or acoustic wall panels.
- Blocking of sound by utilizing walls, partitions, windows, etc.
- Covering of sound by utilizing sound masking which adds a low-level background sound to the office environment.

The biggest bang for your buck.
Most offices will need to add more than one of these tools in order to achieve an acoustically pleasing working environment for their team members. With that said, focusing on the “C” – Covering – gives you the biggest bang for your buck. In other words, it will provide the greatest increase in privacy per dollar invested in office acoustics.
Sound Masking is as Easy as ABC
Today’s modern office is designed to be a flexible workspace where open collaboration occurs. These flexible spaces do improve collaboration, but they also increase distractions and reduce privacy. This is a problem that can be easily addressed and it is as easy as ABC.
Absorb, Block, and Cover, known as the ABC’s of acoustics, are three tools that can be utilized to improve speech privacy in today’s modern workspace. By focusing on the ABC’s, you are able to improve the acoustics of any office environment so that conversational distractions are reduced and privacy of speech is increased.