Sound masking is a necessity to limit distractions and increase productivity. Workers are more focused on tasks and feel confident having personal conversations with clients. Clients are also at ease knowing their confidential information isn’t be heard and ending up in the wrong hands. Here are four people that absolutely need a sound masking system.

The Bottom Line: CEOs Need a Sound Masking System

The Chief Executive Officer usually has a private office but that doesn’t mean their highly confidential conversations are kept private or that they aren’t being distracted by office chatter. There’s no denying that CEOs have to make some crucial decisions that impact their bottom line and sound masking can help protect their speech privacy and give them the ability to concentrate better.

Increase Productivity for Employees

The ultimate success of your business relies on your employees – they are the front line, often client-facing, and need their privacy as well. Whether it’s to block out office chatter or to quickly call in a prescription, distractions, and lack of speech privacy leave workers feeling dissatisfied. Sound masking helps to make the work environment more productive.

Improve Quality of Care for Hospital Patients

Hospital stays are never the most enjoyable of experiences. When a patient needs rest to recover, the surrounding hustle and bustle of a hospital ward can be a huge distraction, and patient satisfaction is impacted. Sound masking is the introduction of soft background noise in the room to help patients sleep. Doctors may also need a sound masking system to provide added security when they are discussing personal information with patients.

Privacy for Human Resources is Mandatory

One of the highest priorities of human resources is to ensure worker productivity and happiness – it’s imperative the department has sound privacy. Employees should feel comfortable and confident when discussing personal and confidential matters with human resources. Sound masking adds privacy and helps to make speech less intelligible – conversations that would normally be overheard and cause distractions no longer do.