Who needs sound masking?
Sound masking is all about privacy. Whether it’s about confidentiality or freedom from distractions, these systems are put in place to protect it and are one of the most cost-effective things a business can do to increase productivity and profitability.
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- Reduces conversational distractions which in turn improves productivity
- Improves focus on tasks/assignments
- Improves privacy for private offices and conference rooms
- Confidentiality for financial information
- Maintain GLBA compliance
- Private conversations with bankers
- Comfortable, private communication between therapist and patient
- Reduces distractions of incoming sounds/voices
- Builds openness and trust
Call Centers
- Decreases error rates
- Increases productivity
- Improves privacy for sensitive information shared over the phone (credit card, social security #s, health info, etc.)
- Improve acoustical environment, which has been shown to help reduce turnover
- Ensures privacy for classified information
- Secures SCIFs and secured rooms
- Helps achieve DCID 6/9 requirements for meeting STC rating of 45 or better (Sound Group 3 & 4)
- Eavesdropping protection
- Counter audio surveillance
- Protects patient health information
- Helps achieve HIPAA compliance with speech privacy protection
- Increases HCAHPS scores by creating a quieter environment
- Improves focus by reducing distractions (testing centers, tutoring centers, libraries)
- Confidentiality of personal information
- Relaxing atmosphere
- Promotes calmness and peace
- Good night’s sleep in hotels
More Facts About Sound Masking
Sound masking is the most economical solution for providing privacy.
Sound masking systems are uniform, which means that music and paging can integrate seamlessly into a system.
Sound masking has become an essential part of the office working environment. It helps mask speech of coworkers and meeting noises for better concentration and distraction-free space for tasks that require more concentration.
Sound masking is installed with uniformity in mind, so it remains consistent from one place to the next.